Firstly, the detailed analysis will be done and your concerns will be discussed and what you expect. Overall, assessment will be done by our highly qualified team. the insights of your tooth, bone and surroundings and a general health ınvestigation will be done to avoid any kind of concerns to make everything sure and according to your expectations. The detailed information will be provided on your special case by our specialists team. They will be planning customized plans according to your condition to make everything easier for you.

What are Dental Implants
They are tooth roots which are used instead of your real teeth which will be a strong foundation of your roots (permanent or removable) according to your wish. Dental implants have several advantages. -Dental implant has ability to fuse within your bones so they become permanent and feel like your own teeth. - Dentures can cause unfit teeth and it may make you mutter or babble through your mouth. But our dental implants can resolve all problems of yours which stops you speaking freely. It eases your pain as sliding dentures can make chewing problematic but dental implants help you to eat your favorite foods painlessly. - Dental implants give you your beautiful smile back, so you feel better.

Who can get Dental Implant?
Anyone who is under normal health conditions can avail dental implants like oral tooth surgery or tooth extraction. Patients must have strong gums and stable bones to hold on to the implant. Patients with heavy chronic diseases like diabetes, heart diseases or the patients who took radiation therapy on head/neck must have detailed evaluation. Dental insertion process happens in two ways: the first is to fix an implant into the jawbone and 4-8 months later the permanent tooth/teeth will be implanted. Normally, the process uses normal anesthesia but if you are anxious about the treatment our specialists may recommend you with sedation to help you ease your pain.





Dental Implant Antalia
Dental Implant Antalia

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